Today’s Modern Workplace is constantly evolving

Today’s workplaces are constantly changing, and new and innovative technologies are being developed to reshape the way we work to meet our greater flexibility requirements.

Employee engagement is critical to the success of any organisational workplace transformation. Employees want the opportunity to make meaningful contributions, to discuss and collaborate across departments and geographical locations – they want to feel empowered.

Technology is changing both the way we work, and the way we think about work.

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Working together, apart

The days of office cubicles are long gone.  Now, you and your employees are split across buildings, locations, time zones, and even devices. Remote working is not just the norm, but it is expected, and so collaboration is more important than ever.

And although cutting down on office space is fantastic for your carbon footprint, it won’t benefit you unless your communication and collaboration abilities can manage all your employees, wherever they are in the world.

Which is why you need an IT solution that works for you, seamlessly.

Are you ready to transform your workplace? 

Teamwork Swish@4x-1

Teamwork & Collaboration

Knowledge sharing, building relationships and making decisions in real time with Microsoft Teams

Intranet Swish@4x-1

Intranet Solutions

Deliver the right communications to the right people, wherever they are on any device with a Beezy intranet


Technology Enablement

Maximise user adoption, engagement and utilisation of technology solutions to realise business value

Business Process Swish@4x-1

Business Process Automation

Technology-enabled automation of complex business processes

Move from Employment to Empowerment

When individuals are not engaged, they are not creating content, they are not sharing ideas and they are not expanding the collective knowledge of the business – all of which are the fundamentals of a successful collaboration environment.

Ebook_CTA (002)Microsoft’s Office 365 solutions let your teams collaborate, communicate and work together instantly, wherever they are, at any time and on any device.

  • A hub for sharing ideas
  • Delivers the pillars of the modern workplace
  • Effortless communication, easy collaboration





Start your transformation with a Modern Workplace Assessment

Core’s Modern Workplace Assessment provides an analysis of your current working environment and offers recommendations to empower a productive workforce with the right tools, applications and services to support secure and modern work styles.

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Talk to our experts

Wherever you are on your journey, Core can help - from providing a high-level introduction to Microsoft Teams and Office 365, through strategic business value assessment and planning, to ongoing user-centric support services to ensure adoption, utilisation and continuous service improvement.